Heavenly: a brand full of grace

Hey, everybody!  I’m writing this post to share the latest from my Social Media Marketing (SMM) course that builds towards my business degree (yep, that keeps me up at night besides Netflix). We got assigned this project where I have to pretend I just got hired as a marketing specialist to work with a specific brand, and create an SMM plan for it. I picked Heavenly, a fashion brand that specializes in modest clothing for women who attend church. And I know it might sound like a boring business, but I’m trying to take a perspective that’s going to make it fun and chic.

Now, I also know you are imagining long, flowy dresses that seem taken from the Bridgerton closet, but this is quite far from that. Heavenly’s main purpose is to make modesty fashionable, with classy, stylish, and elegant clothing, but with a touch of grace (pun intended). And my job is to show that on social media!

They target women who want to express their faith through their clothing, but without losing their sense of style or looking boring. And honestly, I’m super excited to dive into this because it’s certainly a challenge. In the end, I’m working with a brand that’s not just about trends, but also about values, and I need to make that visible through the screen.

What I have been thinking is to fill Heavenly’s Instagram feed with shots of their latest collections, and captions that speak to both the fashion lovers and the faithful women at the same time. Those copywriting skills better show up! Plus, I’m thinking about how to get influencers involved, maybe church-goers who also have serious style games. Because, come on, even if you’re going to Sunday service, there’s no reason not to slay, right?

I really want to create something with substance that connects with their audience. Maybe some behind-the-scenes content showing how they design these outfits, or real stories from women who feel empowered by dressing modestly. Basically, I want people to see that modest fashion can be just as exciting as any other trend.

And speaking of trends, how do I make modesty trendy? That’s the million-dollar question I’ll be figuring out. I’m thinking of running with the idea that modest fashion is an untapped goldmine for creativity, not just a bunch of fabric to hide in. Because let’s be real, modesty can look pretty fabulous when styled right.

So yeah, this is my news. I’ll be sharing updates from my SMM course. And who knows? By the end of this, I might just become Heavenly’s biggest fan and convert a few fashionistas into modest-dressing queens. I certainly started buying more dresses than usual… Wish me luck!

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